
Course Information

Introduction to Engineering DesignGE (SPT 162)

Term: 2016-2017 Academic Year Fall Semester


Dr. Shawn Alan Hilbert
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Mon-Wed, 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM (8/22/2016 - 12/9/2016) Location: *MAIN MAC 222


SPT 162. Introduction to Engineering Design 3-2-4
This course will introduce students to design and problem solving processes used in the field of engineering. Students will study design triumphs and failures from case histories, apply design processes to solve problems, and explicitly use design through a series of competitions using autonomous robots via Lego Mindstorms?? sets. The components of the design process will be discussed and practiced. This course will also examine the field of engineering and the skills of an engineer, focusing on problem solving, teamwork, and communication.