
Course Information

Experiential Marketing: Sports/Arts (MKT 426)

Term: 2015-2016 Academic Year Fall Semester


Anna Jansson-Vredeveld
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Tue-Thu, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM (8/24/2015 - 12/11/2015) Location: *MAIN GRE 110


426. Experiential Marketing: Marketing Sports and the Arts 3-0-3
Examination of marketing practices in industries that focus primarily on consuming an experience, with specific focus on sports and the performing arts. Covers services marketing, experiential consumption, consumer attraction to sports and marketing strategies for sports organizations, consumer attraction to the performing arts and marketing strategies for arts organizations, sponsorship and licensing. Understanding sponsorship as a communication tool. Students will prepare and evaluate sponsorship proposals through projects with actual organizations. PR: MKT 301.