
Course Information

WI:Hlth Psych Socio-Cultural Contex (PSY 303 I)

Term: 2016-2017 Academic Year Fall Semester


Mon-Wed-Fri, 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM (8/22/2016 - 12/9/2016) Location: *MAIN COO 306


303WI. Health Psychology in Socio-cultural Context 3-0-3
Explores the psychological processes involved in health with a particular focus on the confluence of gender, race and class. Within this context, individual experiences of a variety of health related topics will be covered including sources of stress and stress management, social support, adoption of healthy/risky behaviors, adherence to medical advice, experiences as recipients of health care, and coping with chronic illness and death. PR: PSY 101. Last update: 02/22/08