
Course Information

WI:Consumer Behavior (MKT 322 I)

Term: 2015-2016 Academic Year Fall Semester


Mon-Wed, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM (8/24/2015 - 12/11/2015) Location: *MAIN GRE 326


MKT 322I. WI: Consumer Behavior 3-0-3
Development of an understanding of consumption behaviors and their determinants. Examination of research and theory from the social sciences for their relevance to understanding consumer behavior, with the aim of understanding peoples' consumption-related behaviors and developing and evaluating marketing activities designed to influence consumer behavior. Integration of psychological, sociological, and anthropological perspectives on the study of consumption. PR: RHW 102; MKT 301 or 'PSY 101 and CI'. (Last update: 01/10/19)